Cearive Bridges of Laguage Learning
Professional Development


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1-. In-School Teacher Workshops.


Intensive workshops to introduce teachers to our

teaching methodology and techniques as well as

general areas of interest to second language educators.


-Enrich your classroom with great activities in the

areas of music, theater, storytelling, and dance

-Incorporate different learning styles and intelligence

-Integrate Core Curriculum Content Standards
Handouts will be provided.


1-½ hours: $300.00

3 hour program: $550.00

5 hour program: $850.00



2- Our innovative Students-Teacher Residency Program. for K5
After an intensive introductory teacher workshop,
we tailor the program specifically for you We provide
15-20 minutes a day models in each class of
teacher/student interaction for 2 weeks or four weeks.
Through careful modeling and coaching, teachers
will become clearer about the skills and understandings
of our methodology.
1-1/2 consultation session 3 and 6 month after the initial
workshop wil be part of the packege.

1- Introductory teacher workshops :

6 hour program of intensive teachers workshop.


2-  We tailor the program specifically for you:
45 minutes session with each teacher to tailor their own program.

3- Demonstration of teaching practice:
After the initial daily workshop participant teachers will observe
how we implement our teaching techniques with their own students.for 15-20 minutes a day for 2 or for weeks program. Longer programs are available (no more than 10 classes a day).

4- Consultation: 1-½ hours consultation session 3 and 6 month after
 the initial workshop.


Two weeks: $ 5,000.00    Four weeks: $ 9,000.00





For more information call: (609) 895-2981
