Cearive Bridges of Laguage Learning


Our Methodology | Artist-in-Residence | Contact Us | Professional Development | Resourses | Institute of Creative Briges for Language Learners


1- Creative Bridges for Language Learning:

dance, music, drama and storytelling for K-5

2- Dance and Culture as a Tool to Learn a Language for: K -12

3-Tango/Salsa/Meringue Workshops: for 9-12

Single: $ 300.00

Five days residences: $1,200.00

4- Our innovative Students-Teacher Residency Program. for K5
After an intensive introductory teacher workshop, we tailor the program specifically for you We provide 15-20 minutes a day models in each class of teacher/student interaction for 2 weeks or four weeks. Through careful modeling and coaching,
teachers will become clearer about the skills and understandings of our methodology. 

