
Living in Buenos Aires, you are bound to feel the energy of the city. Buenos Aires has hundreds of cultural venues, often more than visitors find in their own home cities , you will always have something to do. Buenos Aires is the other city that never sleeps.

Buenos Aires has always been an open-door city. Its inhabitants are called porteños, which makes reference to the fact that the city is a port. The inhabitant of the province of Buenos Aires is called bonaerense. The people of Buenos Aires who refer to themselves as porteños, or port people, relish their ties to Europe, flaunt their creative energy, delight in culture, fashion and food and share a traditional melancholy for things past. Porteños are warm and hospitable.

In the 19th. century, the port was the arrival point for the great migratory wave promoted by the ArgentineState to populate the nation. Spanish, Italian, Syrian-Lebanese, Polish and Russian immigrants provided Buenos Aires with the cultural eclecticism that is so characteristic of the city.

Fotos de Argentina

Fotos de Buenos Aires: Mira Bs. As.

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Bauen Suite hotel

Asociacion Argentina de Docentes de Español

Museo Malba

Museo Eva Peron

Cafe Tortoni

Feria de Mataderos


Complejos teatrales

Centro Cultural Borges

Centro Cultural Konex

Tango en Buenos Aires

Salsa en Buenos Aires

Mapa de Buenos Aires

Subtes en Buenos Aires

Forecast in Buenos Aires